The guidelines are as indicated below;
-Candidates are to visit and click on the login button
-Fill the required fields and click on the login button
-Log in to your account and click on the ACCOMMODATION Tab on the homepage
-Click on ACCOMMODATION on the left side bar
-Click on BOOK to check for available spaces, if available proceed to pay for ACCOMMODATION by clicking the continue button
-Click On The ACCOMMODATION TAB on the homepage, click the recharge account from the sub-menu left.
-Click on the buy pin button.
-Fill the required fields and click on Pay Using Remita
-Select the preferred payment method and click on Next [Please take note of the Remita Reference Number RRR]
-On Completion of payment either at the bank or online, log in to your page again and click on the accounts option tab at the top menu.
-Click on account details and select Receipts
-Click Students Accommodation to view and print Receipts.
SEE ALSO: FUOTUOKE Updates 1st Batch Admission List For 2016/2017 (More Names Added)
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